How to make New Email Emoticon on Facebook

To use an emoticon New Email
in your conversations by chat, to write in your facebook status or post in someone’s wall, you just need to copy the code.
Code: 📩
See the emoticon
That means New Email Emoticon in Facebook
There is nothing cuter and nicer than opening your email and finding that your boyfriend/girlfriend sent you a super romantic email. If that happened to you, you should go right away to his/her facebook wall and post a super nice message using this emoticon saying how thankful you are. You can also use this emoticon anytime you open your email and you have a n ew job opportunity for example or if you won a super good scholarship. You should post any great news that you receive in your email.

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Related Emoticons
Email Sent
Open Mailbox
Closed Mailbox
Mailbox with Letters
Empty Mailbox
Write a Letter
Open Book